Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chapter Summary: Sowing the Seeds of Revolution

     Chapter 1: Sowing the Seeds of Revolution in summary is not about why the revolution ocurred, but how Journalism as a means of inspiration and motivation encourged the colonists to act. As Rodger Streitmatter, the author to Mightier than the Sword states, Revolutions don't occur because of logic. They require passion and the emotional element of Journalism which was brought to the movement by a group of radical  visionaries, fully aware of the power of the press. The chapter touches on individuals who helped influence the revolutionary events through means of Journalistism and how they made a difference. Some of which include Sam Adams initial words in the Boston Gazette,  later inspiriringthe first precursor to todays Associated Press known as Journal of Occurrences; responsible for building opposition to the Britsh troops as well as being pressent for and helping to influencing the Boston Massacre. Another big name mentioned in the chapter is Tom Paine, an influential independent thinker and editor of his time, responsible for Common Sense which encouraged and argued that the american colonists not only deserverd more than what the English had to offer, but were also obligated as citizens to demand much more.

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