Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chapter 5 Summary: Journalism As Warmonger

By the end of the 19th century America had emrged as a world power or as Rodger Streitmatter puts it, "eager both to flex its muscles and to epand its geographic and economic boundaries." Because of the expanding country the economy was growing, opening up many bussiness opportunities. Naturally many entreprenuers saw this as an area where they could express their creative abilities. As a result two individuals by the name of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst would dominate the era, and once again revolutionize journalism as individuals such as Tom Paine and Sam adams did before them. The competition between the two would fuel a rivaly so fierce that it would eventually create a new form a journalism by "giving birth to a brand of sensationalism known as yellow journalism. A toxic formula one part news to one part hype," says Streitmatter.

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